Richard Koci Hernandez: “Once the image is in the public stream-of-consciousness it belongs to the person viewing it and really leaves my grasp and its intentions”

article by: at: 3 Απρ 2018 under: Interviews (ENG)
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Andy Cox “That’s when I’m happiest in the world – when things come together that make no sense at all”

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Leila Lonnroth: “I like to play, and for me photography is all about playfulness”

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Jacqueline Badeaux “I think life needs more mystery and a person made anonymous in a photograph with motion, bleach, overexposure or under, or bad focus is more beautiful to me.”

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Μαρία Μπελεγρίνη: “Μέσα από κάθε άσχημο υπάρχει κρυμμένη μια ομορφιά, που φοβάται να βγει στην επιφάνεια”

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Jacint Juhasz: “Photography is a great way to teach your brain how to see”

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K. Liliane Bucquoye ( ‘liliane_b_art’ ): “Photography, like any other form of art, is an adventure, a constant search and is about accepting new challenges”

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Marjan Mehrabani: “Photography for me -a middle east woman- is a poetic and democratic language to show my life”

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Yann Bajard «I am a Stakhanovite of photography, but I don’t shoot at random, I take a photo when I feel something, it’s an emotional action which is the consequence of my constant fascination for all the things in life»

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