Void & LensCulture: Guerrilla exhibition στους δρόμους της Αθήνας
Το Void προσκλήθηκε από την LensCulture να αναλάβει ένα project μέσω Instagram.
Η ιδέα ήταν να βγουν οι φωτογραφίες από την εικονική σφαίρα, με μια έκθεση δρόμου και μια έκδοση zine.
• Οι φωτογράφοι κλήθηκαν να ποστάρουν τις φωτογραφίες με hashtag #voidnoplace με θέμα “My place, no place” μέχρι τις 07 Ιουλίου.
Με την επιμέλεια της Void και του LensCulture, οι επιλεγμένες φωτογραφίες εκτυπώθηκαν ως αφίσες και τοιχοκολλήθηκαν στους δρόμους της Αθήνας για μια έκθεση Guerrilla 09 – 15 ΙΟΥΛ ’17
Εκτός από την έκθεση, η Void θα δημοσιεύει τις φωτογραφίες στο Instagram του LensCulture και την τελευταία ημέρα του project, θα δημοσιευτεί ένα zine του έργου.
Ειδικά για το photologio, είναι μεγάλη μας χαρά η επιλογή μιας εκ των φωτογραφιών να ανήκει στον αφανή πρωταγωνιστή της ομάδας μας (σχεδιασμός λογότυπου, γραφιστικές παρεμβάσεις για το site κ.α.), Κυριάκο Χρυσοχοΐδη : www.instagram.com/p/BWXCKyxBIW0/
Διαβάστε σχτικά στο site https://void.photo/lensculture
Void was invited by LensCulture for an Instagram take-over.
Our idea is to take the photos out of the virtual realm,
making a street exhibition and a zine publication out of it.
How is it?
• Photographers were invited to post photos under the hashtag #voidnoplace responding to the theme “My place, no place.” Entries were accepted until 07 JUL ‘17.
• Following the curation of Void & LensCulture, the selected photos were printed as posters and pasted on the streets of Athens, for a Guerrilla exhibition. In addition to the exhibition, Void will post the photos on LensCulture’s Instagram, as part of the take-over. Finally, for the last day of the project, we will publish a zine of the project.
The theme: “My place, no place.”
“Everyone tries to create a world he can live in, and what he can’t use he often can’t see.” – Saul Bellow
Immigration, displacement, nationalism, walls, borders, mental states, family, ghettos, prisons, egomania, narcissism, territories, birth places, the womb, the earth, the universe. Almost innumerable are the places where we can exist. Some of them are transitory, some feel like traps. A place can be physical, but it can also be a feeling or a state of mind.
For this call, Void and LensCulture would like to know: where are you right now?
Do you feel it is your place?
Or do you feel like you don’t belong?
What is your position as a photographer? As a human being? Can you show it to us in a picture?
“I want to leave, to go somewhere where I should be really in my place, where I would fit in… but my place is nowhere”
Important notes
• Shortlisted photos will be chosen during the week. Photographers need to be ready to provide the high resolution file (at least 3000 pixels on the largest side) on Saturday, 08 JUL ‘17. Photographers that fail to deliver the high resolution files are likely to be dropped from the project.
• Shortlisted photos will not necessarily be included in the final edit.
• All submitted photos should follow Instagram’s policies.
• All submitting photographers should read the terms and conditions prior to submitting their photographs.
Zero. No fee. It is free.
We don’t ask for any fee for submitting photographs.
And if selected, we also don’t charge for anything to organize the exhibition and print the zine.
03 JUL ’17 – Open for submissions
07 JUL ’17 – Deadline for submissions
08 JUL ’17 – Deadline for shortlisted photographers to submit high resolution files
09 – 15 JUL ’17 – Instagram take-over & Guerrilla exhibition in the streets of Athens
16 JUL ’17 – Zine launch