Sony World Photography Awards 2018 – 12 Έλληνες μεταξύ των διακριθέντων
Ανακοινώθηκαν οι νικητές των Sony World Photography Awards 2018.
Στο διαγωνισμό του 2018 πήραν μέρος 319.561 συμμετοχές από 201 χώρες (40% υψηλότερος από τα βραβεία του 2017).
Ο διαγωνισμός των βραβείων Sony World Photography Awards κρίθηκε από μια ανεξάρτητη ομάδα κριτών που επελέγη από τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Φωτογραφίας. Ο πρώτος χορηγός του διαγωνισμού, η Sony, δεν συμμετέχει στις κρίσεις αυτού του διαγωνισμού.
Υπήρξαν 4 παράλληλοι διαγωνισμοί Professional, Open, Youth and Student Focus.
Ο επαγγελματικός περιελάμβανε λαμβάνει 10 κατηγορίες όπως η Αρχιτεκτονική, τα Σύγχρονα Θέματα, Τοπίο, Φυσικός Κόσμος & Άγρια Ζωή, Πορτρέτα και δύο νέες κατηγορίες για το τρέχον έτος Δημιουργικό και Ανακάλυψη (Architecture, Contemporary Issues, Landscape, Natural World & Wildlife, Portraiture Creative and Discovery), ενώ ο ανοικτός διαγωνισμός 10 κατηγορίες, όπως Πολιτισμός, Enhanced, Κίνηση, Φωτογραφία δρόμου και ταξίδια ( Culture, Enhanced, Motion, Street Photography, Travel).
Διαβάστε αναλυτικά στο site https://press.worldphoto.org
Στην 11η διοργάνωση του διαγωνισμού διακρίθηκαν οι φωτογράφοι Γιάννης Παπαποστόλου (Enhanced), Νίκη Γλεούδη (Δρόμου), Δημήτρης Κλεάνθης (Αρχιτεκτονική), Πάνος Σκορδάς (Πολιτισμός) και Εμμανουήλ Σμάλιος (Αρχιτεκτονική).

Image Name: After the end… Photographer Name: Giannis Papapostolou Year: 2018 Image Description: A composition of an aerial photo and a 3d pyramid i made.. Copyright: © Giannis Papapostolou, Greece, Shortlist, Open, Enhanced (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: In a world of Unicorns Photographer Name: Niki Gleoudi Year: 2018 Image Description: The ancient Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only asked one question after someone died: “Did he have passion?” Copyright: © Niki Gleoudi, Greece, Shortlist, Open, Street Photography (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Villa in Ioannina Photographer Name: Dimitrios Kleanthis Year: 2018 Image Description: Sir Lancelot, a playful Italian Greyhound, inside a Villa in Ioannina, Greece, designed by Vartz Architects Copyright: © Dimitrios Kleanthis, Greece, Shortlist, Open, Architecture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: “young minotaur” Photographer Name: PANOS SKORDAS Year: 2018 Image Description: Picture taken in the actual palace of king Minos, on the island of Crete. Costume and mask made by me, model with lots of patience ..my son. Copyright: © PANOS SKORDAS, Greece, Winner, Open, Culture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: cubism dock Photographer Name: Emmanouil Smalios Year: 2018 Image Description: An aerial shot of a dock in Kos island of Greece. The unique shape of the dock from above make me put it, in 1/3 of an aerial frame. The blue sea and the light wood boards makes a very nice and minimal contrast. Copyright: © Emmanouil Smalios, Greece, Shortlist, Open, Architecture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography AwardS
Επιπλέον, στις επιμέρους κατηγορίες ανάμεσα στους 50 που επέλεξαν οι κριτές βρέθηκαν η Μαριάνα Μπίστη (Αρχιτεκτονική), ο Αλέξανδρος Μαραγκός (Τοπίο & Φύση), ο Φάνης Χατζησταματίου (Δρόμου) με 2 φωτογραφίες ο Ηλίας Βαρελάς (Τοπίο & Φύση), ο Τάσος Ανέστης (Πορτραίτο), ο Μάριος Κουρουνιώτης (Πολιτισμός), η Μαρία Πάσχου (Δρόμου), η Νίκη Γλεούδη (Δρόμου) καθώς και η Έλενα Γεωργίου από την Κύπρο (Δρόμου).

Image Name: 22°15’38.7″N 114°13’51.5″E Photographer Name: Mariana Bisti Year: 2018 Image Description: The principle that organizes the official identity of Hong Kong under Chinese rule reads: “wěndìng fánróng” (stability & prosperity). Yet, there is a missing subtext that one can borrow from Robert Venturi’s seminal book on postmodern architecture: “complexity & contradiction”. These two terms reveal the complementary foundations upon which the official Chinese discourse constructs the image of HK as an exuberant and thriving community. But HK is more than that: its complex and contradictory nature stems from its turbulent historical past and the perpetual movement of goods, capital and people. These characteristics are scribed on the body of the city, manifested in the urban landscape. The city’s structural formations and functions encapsulate the spirit of its past, present and future, speak of its monstrosities and miracles and reveal a wealth of contradictions that constitute HK one of the most attractive and mesmerizing dystopias on earth. Copyright: © Mariana Bisti, Greece, Commended, Open, Architecture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Sub-zero Sunset Photographer Name: Alexandros Maragos Year: 2018 Image Description: The sun sets over the Gulf of Patras with Panachaiko mountain covered in snow on January 15, 2017 after a heavy snowfall in Greece. Copyright: © Alexandros Maragos, Greece, Commended, Open, Landscape & Nature (2018 Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: BLIZZARD Photographer Name: Phanes Chatzistamatiou Year: 2018 Image Description: I had just arrived at Thessaloniki, i was in the house when i felt the atmosphere… it was freezing. I went to check and see what happened and i realized that nothing was working, not the heat, not the air conditioner, not even the internet connection… I had only one choice to pick my bare essentials and go stay with a friend until everything was back at normal. Outside had -5C, at the same night snow made it’s appearance and the next day everything was white! I saw this opportunity and without hesitation i grabbed my camera and carefully started to wonder around the city ready to capture any moment! Snow gave me a unique perspective since the ugliness of cement was covered, and the snow was like blank page ready to be written with some cold, but exciting new stories! Copyright: © Phanes Chatzistamatiou, Greece, Commended, Open, Street Photography (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Above the water Photographer Name: Ilias Varelas Year: 2018 Image Description: Taken in a small beach near the city of Volos,Greece.A try to reveal the interaction and the relation between the basics elements of nature. Copyright: © Ilias Varelas, Greece, Commended, Open, Landscape & Nature (2018 Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Snow on the beach Photographer Name: Ilias Varelas Year: 2018 Image Description: Taken in the city of Volos,Greece.It was the first snow for 2017 and I had the opportunity to capture the first seconds after the heavy snowstorm. Copyright: © Ilias Varelas, Greece, Commended, Open, Landscape & Nature (2018 Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Girl Photographer Name: Tasos Anestis Year: 2018 Image Description: a classical portrait with natural light as a tribute to Rembrandt Copyright: © Tasos Anestis, Greece, Commended, Open, Portraiture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Image Name: Faith. Photographer Name: Maria Pachou Year: 2018 Image Description: This photo was taken in the area next to Giardino delgi Aranchi, Italy. It’s the momenta monk is headind for the monastery to pray. The title of the image is ”Faith”, and it shows us the power and faith of a man who proceeds with a heavy step toward the great door of God. Copyright: © Maria Pachou, Greece, Commended, Open, Street Photography (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Vasiliki & Yiorgos Photographer Name: MARIOS KOUROUNIOTIS Year: 2018 Image Description: A multicomplex image created by one single capture in real time on a Greek wedding.If you can observe any scene in this image you can find more different actions in time.All of them combine one emotion, the Joy of that day. Copyright: © MARIOS KOUROUNIOTIS, Greece, Commended, Open, Culture (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Exercising Photographer Name: Niki Gleoudi Year: 2018 Image Description: Men working out at Lummus Park on Ocean Drive, South Beach Copyright: © Niki Gleoudi, Greece, Commended, Open, Street Photography (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: aerial view Photographer Name: Elena Georgiou Year: 2018 Image Description: An aerial view from above a street Copyright: © Elena Georgiou, Cyprus, Commended, Open, Street Photography (Open competition), 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
About World Photography Organisation
The World Photography Organisation is a global platform for photography initiatives. Working across
more than 180 countries, our aim is to raise the level of conversation around photography by
celebrating the best imagery and photographers on the planet. We pride ourselves on building lasting
relationships with both individual photographers as well as our industry-leading partners around the
world. The World Photography Organisation hosts a year-round portfolio of events including the Sony
World Photography Awards, one of the world’s leading photography competitions, and PHOTOFAIRS,
international art fairs dedicated to photography with destinations in Shanghai and San Francisco. For
more details see www.worldphoto.org.
About Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, imaging, game, communications, key
device and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. With its
music, pictures, interactive entertainment and online businesses, Sony is uniquely positioned to be
the leading electronics and entertainment company in the world. Sony recorded consolidated annual
sales of approximately $76 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017. Sony Global Web
Site: http://www.sony.net/