Cecilia Miradoli: “My pictures can tell if I’m sad, happy or angry”
Cecilia Miradoli @cecilianmd is a song-writer/producer from Italy. She loves traveling, photography and of course, music. She’s a discreet and loyal Instagram buddy!
I chose this photo because I think it encompasses most of the elements found in your images: it’s BW, it’s kind of fluent and it’s mysterious; do you intentionally shoot/edit to produce this effect?
Thank you Krystallena for choosing one of my photos and for this interview. I’m happy you picked this one because it’s very representative of what I try to achieve. You’ve probably noticed I usually accompany part of song lyrics and verses with my pictures: that is because not only I’m a musician myself but mainly because I try to deliver little messages every time, both by the words and the editing work. I like BW the most because it helps me to create those mysterious atmospheres. Colors are so beautiful by nature that you can hardly make them better applying filters or editing them, while BW can really take you far. I’ll start by playing with shades and lights, adding filters with little amount of colors, without overdriving the image. I’ll search for the right detail, the perfect shot; then I’ll turn to BW and go on with the editing. I always use Snapseed, searching for the right balance of the glamor filters and very little HDR. Then I’ll further crop the image searching the unexpected view, the “mysterious” mood, indeed.
What inspires you to photograph? Is Italy in general, and Milano specifically an inspiration?
My thoughts. I think that my pictures can tell if I’m sad, happy or angry. Milan is an inspiration, as much as my trips to Spain and Greece, and the place where I run my music festival (Chiaverano, Turin), close to that magic lake that you never get tired to shoot.
When did you start photographing? Was Instagram the reason?
No, I’ve always loved taking pictures but it was Instagram and all the possibilities delivered by smartphones and ipads that really got me into it. The easiness of taking instant shots and the fun in combining and editing, really bewitched me and I’m now “addicted”.
You are a music producer and founder of “A Night Like This Festival” (@anightlikethisfestival) -a music event that takes place every summer in the Piedmont region of Italy; you are also the founder and admin of the hub @jj_musicislife -of the @jjcommunity family hub. What brings together your passion for music and the love of photography?
You know, photography allows me to deliver some sort of messages, just by matching images with words. Which is actually close to what music does, in terms of immediacy. They are two simalar things, both instinctive. @JJMusicislife is a work of passion: a gallery entirely dedicated to music (details, street music, concerts, portraits of musicians, instruments and everything that belongs to music). I also bring photography to “A Night Like This Festival” (A NIGHT LIKE THIS festival ) as well, also from Instagram, because this time one of the galleries will feature pictures from the contest @igworldclub, with the hashtag #assiemea.
Do song verses create images to shoot or do the photos bring the tune and the verse?
It’s the photo that inspires the music and the lyrics. But the choice for the pictures comes from an emotion or anything that shocks me or catches my attention, as much as a song would. So, I already know while shooting which words will be the ones to go with the picture!
The interview of Cecilia Miradoli to Krystallena Stylianou was given on 13.05.2016